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Tema Fecha límiteÚltima modificación
PhD fellowship in Biomedical Glycoscience (CIC biomaGUNE, San Sebastian)15/10/2018 02/10/18 12:55h
PhD fellowship in Biomedical Glycoscience (CIC biomaGUNE, San Sebastian)22/10/2018 15/10/18 13:17h
PhD Fellowship in Physical Virology1 september 2015 24/06/15 04:57h
PhD Fellowships at the University of Santiago de Compostela20 de Septiembre de 2011 29/08/11 10:58h
PhD FI-fellowship OPEN CALL to join our lab on EvoDevoGenomics in University of Barcelona10-oct-2019 30/09/19 10:31h
PhD Genomics18 septiembre 2011 09/09/11 12:29h
PhD Grant in FUEL CELLS22/01/2011 24/12/10 11:12h
PhD in Cell Biology/Biophysics at ICFO (Barcelona)31/03/2017 23/12/16 12:24h
PhD in Molecular Biophysics (@CNB-CSIC)September 2019 01/03/19 10:50h
PhD offer: Fundamental research on quantum nanoelectronic devices20 de Mayo 2016 02/05/16 17:07h
PhD opening on experimental Ultracold Quantum Gases at ICFO, Barcelona 30/09/2013 22/08/13 19:45h
PhD opportunity at Polytechnic University of Valencia: Smart Biomanufacturing Biofoundries01/11/21 07/08/21 01:27h
PhD opportunity in medical applications of inorganic chemistry at CiC biomaGUNE, San Sebastian 1/02/2011 27/09/10 10:44h
PhD Organic Chemistry - Manchester Metropolitan University31/01/2017 30/11/16 19:49h
PhD position –Systems Biology of Infection LABJuly 30, 2024 27/06/24 00:25h
PhD position (FPI) in Data Analysis for Human Neuroscience08/09/2017 21/07/17 13:01h
PhD position / Contrato predoctoral - New therapies for the treatment of inherited and acquired mitochondrial dysfunction - UCAM Murcia10 de Febrero de 2023 19/01/23 15:54h
PhD position available10 March 2023 06/03/23 21:03h
PhD position available in Microbial Systems Biology November 2013 20/09/13 19:26h
PhD position available in the field of chemistry and materials science30th June 2019 21/05/19 18:58h
PhD position available. Thesis on III-V semiconductor epitaxy and photovoltaics1/8/2019 06/06/19 15:25h
PhD Position in “Neutron Scattering & Protein Corona – Nanoparticles interaction” 31/03/2022 23/12/21 10:59h
PhD position in apple breeding (Wageningen, Netherlands)9 febrero 2012 25/01/12 10:36h
PhD position in applied mathematics (UC3M, Madrid)16 /06/2019 29/05/19 10:02h
PhD Position in Food Science and Technology10/10/2023 19/09/23 15:48h
PhD position in Integrated Quantum Photonics. Milan (Marie Curie fellowship)24/03/2014 26/02/14 18:40h
PhD Position in Multifunctional Hydrogels and Biopolymer Blend Scaffolds for Biomedical Applications 31st May 2022 26/05/22 13:05h
PhD Position in Multifunctional Hydrogels for Bioengineering Applications at the Polytechnic University of Catalonia May 31th 05/05/22 17:36h
PhD position in the project "Intelligent Electronic Skin" at the Universitat Politècnica de Catalunya 27/09/2016 16/09/16 12:17h

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Página última modificacion en Lunes 23 de Diciembre, 2013 12:04:45

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