
PhD position available in the field of chemistry and materials science

PhD position available in the field of chemistry and materials science
Fecha límite
30th June 2019

The candidate will carry out his/her PhD thesis in the Functional Inorganic Materials team under the supervision of Francisco G. Cirujano and Carlos MartíGastaldo at the Institute of Molecular Science ( at the Universidad de Valencia in the frame of the project funded by “La Caixa” Junior Leader fellowship:

Stereocontrolled continuous flow synthesis of pharmaceuticals with heterogeneous multifunctional catalysts

Eligibility criteria: 

Have a degree in chemistry, materials science or equivalent obtained after January, 2016.

Obtained 60 master ECTS to access the PhD program. 

Knowledge of organic/inorganic synthesis, characterization of materials/surfaces, or chemical engineering/ heterogeneous catalysis is recommendable. Strong oral and written communication skills in English are recommendable.

Duration: 3 years from October 2019.

Applications should be addressed to Drs. G. Cirujano and Martí-Gastaldo and sent via email in a single PDF file to francisco.garcia en or funimatapplications en before the 30th June 2019 including:

a) Letter of motivation (why do you want to join us?).

b) Curriculum vitae.

c) Degree academics records, where the number of obtained ECTS credits and average score with 2 decimals in a 0-10 scale appear.

d) For non-spanish degrees we also require a document issued by the Spanish Ministry of Education, Culture and Sport with the Spanish grading scale equivalent average score. This document can be obtained through the portal “Equivalencia de notas medias de estudios universitarios realizados en centros extranjeros”.


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