
Predoctoral position at Valencia Spain

Predoctoral position at Valencia Spain
Fecha límite

The successful applicant will carry out a Ph.D. project focused on the analysis of functional structures formed by the RNA genomes of Chikungunya virus and SARS-CoV-2, and the discovery of small-molecule antiviral agents acting on these motifs.
The work will be carried out in the laboratory led by Dr. José Gallego at Catholic University of Valencia (UCV) Spain, using state-of-the-art biophysical, biochemical and computational techniques. The publication list and research interests of the laboratory can be found at:;

Who can apply: Graduates in Chemistry, Biochemistry, Biotechnology, Biology or Pharmacy who have obtained their B.Sc. degree in a non-Spanish Institution after January 1st, 2016. Candidates with a Master title and a good command of English and/or Spanish will be preferred. Admission to the PhD school of UCV is required

Conditions: 3 year contract with a gross annual salary of approximately €16,000 plus a one-time payment of €1,600 for travelling expenses. Starting date: January 16th 2021

More information and Applications: please send inquiries to José Gallego ( Formal applications including a CV, academic record including average scores, a cover letter and two references should be sent to the same address before October 15th 2020

This fellowship is funded by the Regional Government of Valencia (Programa Santiago Grisolía). More information can be found at:


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