
Doctoral position at the Biological Neurocomputation Group, Autonomous University of Madrid, Spain

Doctoral position at the Biological Neurocomputation Group, Autonomous University of Madrid, Spain
Fecha límite
September, 26h 2016

A doctoral position is available at the Biological Neurocomputation Group, Autonomous University of Madrid, Spain. The research will focus on novel experimental protocols in neuroscience assessing closed-loop information processing.

We seek a highly motivated PhD student with a Master's degree at the time of the formalization of the contracts in one of the following (or related) disciplines: computer science, biology, physics, engineering, prosthetics, etc. The position has a mixed experimental and modeling focus and is available starting January 1st 2017. Prior experience in the fields of in vitro electrophysiological recordings, dynamic clamp, EEG, neuroimaging, or computational neuroscience will be valuable. Enthusiasm for interdisciplinary research is required.

How to apply: The application deadline for the position is September, 26h 2016. Interested candidates, please send CV and two reference letters (including contact information) to gnbuam en


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