
Ofertas de Predoc, Postdoc y Bioinformático en Genomica Comparada (Toni Gabaldón, CRG)

Ofertas de Predoc, Postdoc y Bioinformático en Genomica Comparada (Toni Gabaldón, CRG)
Fecha límite

Descripcion de los puestos:

Bioinformatician, PhD candidates and postdoctoral positions are available in the group of Dr. Toni
Gabaldón in the Bioinformatics and Genomics Department of the Centre for Genomic Regulation
(CRG, ).

About the group
The major focus of the research in the group is the analysis of the evolution of protein-coding and noncoding
genes at genome-wide cales. For this we combine state-of the art computational and sequencing
techniques. One of the main research questions of our group is to understand the complex relationships
between genome sequences and phenotypes and how these two features evolve within and across
species. We generally use large-scale phylogenetics approaches that allow looking at the evolution of
genomes from the perspective of all of their genes, and we apply these analyses to a variety of
biological questions related the evolution and function of organelles, pathways, and gene families. We
have a special interest in understanding processes related to human pathogenesis (emergence of
infectious disease, and organelle-related genetic diseases). Through collaborations with experimental
groups we apply comparative genomics to discover new mechanisms and genes involved in relevant
processes and phenotypes. Given that we work in an emerging field and we are exposed to new types
and scales of data, we often have the need to develop novel bioinformatics tools to fill in existing gaps.
More information about the group can be found here:

Please read:

Salary will be conmensurate with experience. All positions are for 3 years with the possibility of
extending. Start dates range from autum 2013 to early 2014. The persons will be fully integrated in an
international and inter-disciplinary team, enjoy the vibrant scientific environment at CRG and
Barcelona, and will have access to high-level training.
How to apply

Interested individuals should send a cover letter stating the specific motivation to join my lab and the
project, CV, and the names of 2 references to Toni Gabaldón at tgabaldon en with the subject
APPLICATION. Applicants intending to apply for external grants in my lab are also welcomed if
fitting within one of the group direction


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