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Tema Fecha límiteÚltima modificación
predoctoral PhD chemistry/physics1 year 03/11/17 21:28h
Predoctoral fellow in antiviral drug discovery30-9-2022 31/07/22 20:49h
Predoctoral contract: Computational Biology/Bioinformatics10 April 2012 10/02/12 15:09h
Predoctoral Contract: Aging and Autophagy Research31/08/2023 30/07/23 02:17h
PREDOCTORAL CONTRACT OFFER 2023-2024: Pandemic PreparednessSeptember 2023 01/08/23 13:17h
Predoctoral and postdoctoral fellowships30/09/2013 07/08/13 18:38h
Predoc position in Human Genetics (IMPPC, Badalona, Barcelona)31/12/2009 06/08/09 08:41h
Predoc position available in the “Neurologic Diseases and Neurogenetics Group” at IDIBELL to study amyotrophic lateral sclerosis (ALS) and frontotemporal dementia (FTD) disease spectrum31/05/2023 29/03/23 13:27h
Pre/Postdoc positions at Membrane Nanomechanics group (Biofisika Institute (CSIC, UPV/EHU), BilbaoFebruary 15th, 2020 16/01/20 13:05h
Pre-doctoral candidate to apply to upcoming AGAUR/FI call in genetics of cardiovascular disease30 september 05/09/19 14:56h
Pre-doc position31/01/2013 18/09/12 12:24h
Practicas Master + Doctorado15 Marzo 2010 22/01/10 21:59h
Prácticas de verano: nanomedicina15 de Mayo 29/03/17 17:35h
Postodoctoral Fellowship in Chemistry, San Sebastian20/08/2018 13/08/18 15:59h
Postdotoral positions: Margarita Salas y María Zambrano at Automatic Control, faculty of Engeneering Bilbao, EHU. 15th of May 2022 27/04/22 21:14h
Postdoctoral Scientist PositionFebruary 4th, 2010 21/01/10 18:05h
Postdoctoral Researcher in Microarray Technology for Glycoscience10/07/2019 04/07/19 13:07h
Postdoctoral Researcher in Lung and Colon Cancer31 July 2012 15/06/12 14:16h
Postdoctoral Researcher in Lung and Colon Cancer31 July 2012 15/06/12 14:16h
Postdoctoral research assistant - Organic Chemistry - Manchester Metropolitan University01/09/2014 05/08/14 17:57h
Postdoctoral Resarcher - University of Edinburgh30th August 2009 13/07/09 19:35h
Postdoctoral positions open in the Systems Biology of Infection Lab (UAB)01/08/2021 13/07/21 15:29h
Postdoctoral Positions in Wireless Communications / Media Security30/06/2011 21/03/11 16:33h
Postdoctoral Positions (up to 3 years), termed “María Zambrano” en Toledo (UCLM)_Contaminación atmosférica22/07/2021 09/07/21 07:38h
Postdoctoral Positions (up to 3 years), termed “María Zambrano”26 of July 2021 08/07/21 14:22h
Postdoctoral positions (up to 3 years), termed "María Zambrano" o "Margarita Salas" en Albacete_Electroquímica (sensores y biosensores)22/07/2021 19/07/21 16:48h
POSTDOCTORAL POSITION: candidatos para JUAN DE LA CIERVA 31 october 2012 26/10/12 15:14h
Postdoctoral position UK (3 years). Analysis of protein-protein interactions ex-vivo and in vitro; yeast culture and genetics. 5 Nov 2013 16/10/13 15:47h
Postdoctoral Position Regulation of Gene Expression during Cell Diferentiation and Cancer Expected starting date: July-October, 2011 03/01/11 12:13h

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Página última modificacion en Lunes 23 de Diciembre, 2013 12:04:45

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